In case you're wondering...

In case you've been wondering about my strange URL, let me tell you a little anecdote to put all of your collective minds at ease.

It started out just as every other clinical day. Shower, breakfast, you know the deal. I arrived on to the unit just in time. Everything was going well. My patient was alert and oriented and very much capable of his ADLs. This was going to be cake.

But what goes better with cake than a nice, tall glass of lemonade? (The answer, by the way, is milk.) I was really craving lemonade, so I moseyed on over to the unit refrigerator to see what I could dig up. I mean, those nurses are just asking for it when they leave their sack lunches unattended.

The chilly air that hit my face was a welcomed change. I couldn't take any more of my patient's coffee breath. But where, oh where, was the lemonade? I was about to give up and return to my patient's room when, alas!, I found some. Sitting there, on the counter, in a strange cup with a screw-top lid. It wasn't cold anymore, though. Quite warm, actually. Disappointed, but ever so thirsty, I decided to go for it.

And that's how I learned what a urine specimen container looks like.

On a separate but related note, urine from a patient with acute intermittent porphyria turns purple after sitting out in the sun. I learned that from that one time when I had a jonesing for grape juice.

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