I promised Kristina and Khaing that I would blog about this, so here it is: So last night, Kristina and I went to visit Khaing at her cute new pad in West Covina. I had already seen it earlier that day, but Kris wanted me to go with her to see it again later that night. So I went.
Totally against my will, I ended up staying later than originally anticipated. It started because one of us had this bright idea to watch Juno online. But, as luck would have it, the stupid video wouldn't load fast enough. So we tried 27 Dresses but we were too impatient for that one, too. We ended up watching Miss Tyra and her wannabe models because we knew who to count on for drama. (And boy, was the drama enough for anybody's mama.)
Side note: Tyra is just like weed in two ways. First, you can never have enough. Second, you get the munchies. And so we decided to make brownies. They turned out too cakey, though, because Kristina told me to put four eggs instead of the recommended two.
Someone must have laced our brownies with I don't know what because it was soon two in the morning and too late for me to drive home. I ended up staying at Khaing's house, totally against my free will (as I've already mentioned).
But I did learn an important lesson that night: Tyra Banks and brownies don't mix.
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